Book Fair Special Edition
Having sent teams out to both Bologna Children's Book and London Book Fairs, Hung Hing UK wanted to take time to reflect on the feedback from the events and our customer's evolving print requirements. Publishers reported packed schedules at both Book Fairs this year, the 5th year running to take place amid a gloomy economic environment, and yet publishers remain confident.
Hundreds of publishers gathered for the 41st London Book Fair where the China Market Focus and the associated cultural programme placed a spotlight on contemporary Chinese authors and China as an important publishing arena. The Digital Zone at London, now it its fourth year focused on discoverability, cross platform, device technology and content. Likewise the same themes preceded in the digital conference in Bologna, with the Tools of Change conference seeing in it's 2nd year with attendance up to nearly 400 people from 140 in 2011.
However for us, the digital 'versus' print question appears to be less significant and discussions now seem to be much more focused on brand strategy. Whether it's a children's book series, a character license or a retail brand it is about meeting the consumers requirements through the most appropriate media, whether that's print, digital or more than likely - both. Most people fervently agree that printed products such as young children's books won't be replaced by digital for the foreseeable future. The tangible experience of holding, touching and feeling a book with pages, the gifting factor and the sentimental reading experience between parent and child offers something different to the convenient alternative of sitting down with a phone or iPad. Digital books in this sector are being viewed by the buying market as an addition to the printed version, to co-exist side-by-side with both offering distinct benefits.
Children's Books and Novelty
Since its outset Hung Hing has been developing and producing innovative novelty books for the children's market and remains the printer of choice for a number of the UK's top children's publishers.
The innovative and unique specifications demanded by novelty books, such as complex pop-ups or pull tab mechanisms are professionally met by our large, skilled hand-assembly workforce ensuring even the most demanding of design briefs can be met.
Just as important to us as the quality of our work is the safety and suitability of our products to the consumer. Hung Hing prides itself on its product integrity and striving to meet the highest safety standards.
Conventional Books
Conventional printing is a core service of Hung Hing's printing portfolio. The plant capacity and workforce within our 5 factories allows us to meet all conventional printing requirements.
From large production runs of the recent best-sellers to the finest coffee table books - Hung Hing's versatility is one of our greatest assets. Hung Hing's capabilities are suited to many formats across genres such as adults reference, children's interactive, education and fine arts meeting the demands of most of the UK's largest publishing houses.
Hung Hing print products as diverse as mini-books to large formats with innovative finishes, luxury printing techniques and outer slipcases or display packaging.
Hung Hing Accreditations - Hung Hing have once again renewed their ICTI certification for both Shenzhen and Heshan plants.
Other certification in place includes SA 8000(Social Accountability), FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) , PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification), Soy Seal , BRC (British Retail Consortium) , G7 Master Printer , GSV (Global Security Verification) and CNAS (China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment).
We also now have supplier access to PREPS (The Publishers database for Responsible Environmental Paper Sourcing) and if you need further details on this or any of our accreditations, please contact your Account Manager.